A Sad Comic Mockery-Sifting Spree


The Olympics 2024 opening ceremony: a mock representation of the Last Super portrait... An act of blasphemy. 

It is an agreed fact that the opening ceremony of "Olympics 2024" was a mockery of Christ and Christianity. 

As blasphemous and worthy of many acts of Reparation as that is, the attention given to this very mockery of Christ and Christianity takes a comic turn in some nominally "Catholic" quarters as it bespeaks a mockery-sifting spree. How do I mean? Well, that is the point at issue here. 

The Olympics: in Catholic history.

An interesting and concise history of the Olympics is given a short video by "Glorious Heritage Books". The history is summed thus: 

  • started around 776 BC in ancient pagan Greece. 

  • banned in 393 AD when Emperor Theodosius made Catholicism the state religion of Rome.

  • in 1896, the Freemasons brought the Olympics back as part of their efforts to de-Christianize the world. 

  • allowed in Rome for the first time in 1960 by "John XXIII" paralleling the first time it was brought to Jerusalem after its invasion by the Greeks.  

The pachamama drama...

A Sifting Spree

While the outrage expressed in many nominally "Catholic" quarters against the mocking opening ceremony of the "Olympics 2014" is spot-on, it is baffling why events of similar magnitude have gone without being denounced for their being sacrilegious. Naming a few would make the point clear.

On the doctrinal level, the promulgation of the doctrine of Ecumenism and false religious liberty by Vatican II: these mock the divine Wisdom in establishing His Holy Church for the salvation of all mankind. 

The ecumenical mess falsely called the new order of the Mass...

On the practical level:

  • The promulgation of the so-called "new order of the Mass" which is a Protestant parody of the Catholic sacrifice of the Mass. 

  • the Assisi interfaith meetings over the years.

  • Ecumenical gatherings over the years as part of the Modernist ecumenical agenda. 

  • The placing of the statue of Buddha over a supposed tabernacle with the permission of "Pope John Paul II". 

  • Supposed "popes" praying at the Jewish wailing wall, and kissing supposed "Holy books" of non Catholic religions.

  • The worship of "pacha mama" in the Vatican garden. 

Now the many who, nominally identifying as "Catholics", denounce the opening ceremony of Olympics 2024,

  • proudly accept and promote ecumenism and false religious liberty of Vatican II. 
  • They insist that the so-called new order of Mass is as Catholic as what they call the "extraordinary form of the Mass".
  • They qualify Assisi interfaith meetings as bold steps towards mutual tolerance and world peace. 
  • They excuse the wailing wall and book-kissing sham as an expression of solidarity.
  • They excuse the pachamama event as an attempt to make the religion of the indigenous peoples of the Amazon known, and understood in their relationship to the forest and mother earth. 

What a sifting spree!

Same source, different reception.

Now, both the Olympics [and Olympic related ceremonies] and the woke  indifferentism underlying Vatican II's doctrines already mentioned and the practical consequences that spring from them are all tied tail-to-tail in having the Judeo-masonic goal to de-Catholicize the world for their source. 

Note worthy is that, while the Olympics is of the department of external assault to Catholicity, what belongs to the doctrinal shpere is of the department of internal assault by infiltration and usurpation. 

Thus, while the external assaults are recognized by the many as blasphemous and worthy of their outrage, the internal assaults are only recognized by a few to whom it is given, in these days of the great apostasy, to have eyes that see, and ears that hear. These few, are those who are not just nominally, but also truly Catholics with inform Catholic Common Sense. 

Summing up. 

It is a sad comedy to see the mockery sifting spree in vogue: only being outraged by masonic assaults from without by means of obviously woke agenda; while unsuspecting of Masonic assaults from within by means of Apostate apostles and wolves in sheep's clothing signed up in their de-Catholicizing agenda. 

Would that the many nominal Catholics would give their ear time to the testimony of the few Catholics with informed Catholic Common Sense! Then will they be equally outraged by the mason assault from within and equally denounce it in defense of the Mystical Body of Christ. 

Until then, the sifting spree in vogue remains a sad comedy. 

Kyrie Eleison!


  1. It clearly is quite absurd or rather, tragic, that some eyes and ears can readily recognize blasphemy done in a non-Catholic setting and yet are blind and deaf to the worse reality of the blasphemy and sacrileges that are ongoing within what they believe is the Catholic Church and excuse it with some of the most illogical claims.

    I pray daily that these deceived souls will open their eyes and ears to the truth now-today-this moment.


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