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The Proverbial Chicken And Termites vis a vis Truth And Falsehood.

  A Catholic "fowl" will of necessity shake off any "water" of Modernist indifferentism and subjectivism or of any error whatsoever "poured" on it. So too, a subjectivist, indifferentist "fowl" will of necessity shake off the water of objective Catholic integral doctrine "poured" on it... "Verbum sat sapienti est" of course...  Preamble : Writing on the Catholic Priesthood, Pope Pius XI had this to say:  "Profane sciences have indeed made much progress; but in religious questions there is much ignorance still darkening the mind of our contemporaries. This ignorance the priest must dispel" ( Ad Catholici Sacerdotii, 57)    As part of my feeble attempt to contribute to dispelling the ignorance in religious questions still darkening the mind of our contemporaries, particularly with regards to Vatican II and the Modernist impostors, I shared a screenshot of Bp. Charles McGuire's Easter "Bishop's Note"

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