House Under Attack: Fight from within?!
On April 14th, I made a post on Facebook concerning the providential presence of two of our my brother Priests [Frs. John Okerulu and Benjamin Ikhiaemoh] in the mission in my countryside. The post got a couple of reactions and a few comments.
I did not take notice of a comment on it by a certain "Patrick Oke" until few days ago, precisely on the 24th of August 2024, when I received a notification that someone "commented on" my post. it turn out to be that another user replied to "Patrick Oke's comment: the said user found his comment "interesting".
What was the original post? what was Patrick Oke's comment? how interesting is it? we would take a step at a time in unraveling these and related points.
The Original post:
The screenshot of the original Facebook post is shown below:
It is interesting to know that St. Francis Catholic Church Alifokpa was one of the Churches planted by the Irish missionaries in Yache, Yala LGA of Cross River State, Nigeria. The school which goes by the name of "St. Francis primary school" established in 1942 continues to exist though since under government control.
Awoken to the fact that the land and building of St. Francis Catholic Church Alifokpa have been subtlety usurped by the agents of the Modernist revolution in permanence at the service of their hybrid ecumenical new order pan religion though styled "Mater Ecclesiae Catholic Church, Alifokpa"; and unwilling to willingly have any part in the imposter religion occupying the building of St. Francis Catholic Church Alifokpa, I voted with my legs seven years ago and stopped participating in their ecumenical mess and everything patronizing the Modernist imposter religion: that was the beginning of the realization that St. Francis Catholic Church Alifokpa has been sent into the "Catacomb". The "remnants" of St. Francis Catholic Church Alifokpa consist presently of my immediate family and a few others, including resident visitors from other missions.
Comes in Mr. Patrick Oke
Though the post made no mention of we being Sedevacantists, Mr. Patrick Oke may have done some background check on us. He commented thus:
Sedevacantists have to return to the church and do the fight from within. Protesting against the apostasy in the church from outside the church is fruitless and self serving. You don't abandon your child because he is ill. You stay and heal it. Jesus calls latter day apostles to salvage the church not just to stand out criticising it. Jesus came to save not to condemn. He wants his church saved by those who truly love him...not fair weather friends who turn their back in the face of difficulty. Jesus cannot abandon 1.4 billion catholics to perish while a few separate themselves and claim truth and salvation. Jesus wants every one saved and needs those who are ready to sacrifice themselves in the save his church.He promised to be with the church till the consummation of the world. We must help Our Lord Jesus to save this church not to abandon it. The days of the catacombs have not yet come. Outside the church there is no salvation or justification.That is why St. Athanasius, although exiled several times because of the truth, never left the church. Eventually he won. God is not interested in any group out side the church...whatever they call themselves. Love seeks the salvation of all and fights for it. Our Lord Jesus keeps tolerating us even when in Sin. How can he abandon his church when it's in error and in Sin. The church for which he shed his last drops of blood!? We must fight from within the church. Its cowardice to run when your house is under attack!!"
A quick screening of the text above by anyone with an informed Catholic Common Sense is sure to reveal that it's author is animated by a zeal without knowledge properly so called. From the bold, shameless hostility and un-Catholic impudent averments, enshrined in the text above, would it be too bold to suspect the author of conniving in the conspiracy in vogue against the Truth of the Catholic cause? Well, we can only hope he is unwillingly involved in such despicable conspiracy and is disposed to be better informed...
St. Athanasius to the rescue?
It is easy to see that there exists no parallel in the case of St. Athanasius and ours today in the sense that Mr. Patrick Oke supposed. On the contrary, Sedevacantists can legitimately claim St. Athanasius's case, [and we do claim it, and proudly so] as a historical precedent for their stance in relation to Catholic buildings now occupied by Modernist impostors and used for their ecumenical impieties.
St. Athanasius, as a Bishop being unjustly persecuted, had the Pope in Rome to whom to appeal in the defense of the Catholic cause against the Arian heretics and usurpers of Catholic buildings. Today, those Pope Pius X described as "the most pernicious of the adversaries of the Church" have installed a series of men from among their ranks to pose as successors of St. Peter in Rome, effectively usurping Catholic buildings almost every where for the ritual expression of the synthesis of all heresies. Thus, uncompromising Catholics have NO ONE in Rome to whom to appeal in defense of the Catholic cause to-day.
Meanwhile, St. Athanasius' famous letter from his exile to his suffering flock makes it clear that, though he and his flock were deprived of the buildings, they were in no way "outside the Church".
He wrote:
May God console you! ... What saddens you ... is the fact that others have occupied the churches by violence, while during this time you are on the outside. It is a fact that they have the premises, but you have the Apostolic Faith. They can occupy our churches, but they are outside the true Faith. You remain outside the places of worship, but the Faith dwells within you. Let us consider: what is more important, the place or the Faith? The true Faith, obviously. Who has lost and who has won in the struggle, the one who keeps the premises or the one who keeps the Faith? True, the premises are good when the Apostolic Faith is preached there; they are holy if everything takes place there in a holy way ...
You see? By subtle violence, Modernists have taken occupation of Catholic buildings and uncompromising Catholics find themselves forced outside the Catholic premises. Like St. Athanasius, Sedevacantists, I.e. uncompromising Catholics, can say today with regards to Modernist intruders and their wilfully blind flock
they have the premises but we have the Apostolic Faith... they can occupy the churches, but they are outside the true Faith..."
As a matter of fact, only one in enmity with Catholic Common Sense, would naysay this submission of ours.
Bold, Shameless, Absurd Averments
It is fact that accepting Vatican II and the hierarchy connected with it hook, line and sinker makes one affirm absurd things, irrespective of the influx of goodwill or bad will in the matter. Mr. Patrick Oke's case is a classic example. He boldly, and indeed shamelessly, affirm or insinuate that:
- The Church is in apostasy or there is apostasy in the Church.
- The Church is in need of being saved, salvaged.
- The Church is in error and sin, and cannot be abandoned by Christ in that error and sin.
More Apples and Oranges
According to Mr. Patrick Oke, "Jesus cannot abandon 1.4 billion catholics to perish while a few separate themselves and claim truth and salvation. Jesus wants every one saved"
The impression here is that number determines who is right on the Vatican II question. But it is common sense knowledge that though majority carries the vote, it does not necessarily carry the truth.
In deed, did not our Lord warn concerning the wideness of the road to perdition which many take and the narrowness of the road to salvation taken by few?
Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it! (Matt. 7:13, 14)
Also, do we not have a lesson from the great deluge in the time of Noe? Great indeed was the number that perished compared to that saved - Noe and his household!
In the same vein, at the time of Our Lord's death, what was the proportion of those who believed in Him as to be saved compared to those who did not? Even when, after Pentecost a few thousands were joined to the fold, what was the figure compared to the number of the unbelieving Jews?
What is the point here? That Patrick Oke's "1.4 billion" deluded Catholics who follow the impostor church do not add up to making what is non-Catholic become Catholic and a guarantee for salvation.
And, Mr. Patrick Oke is not bound to take the words of the "few" who "claim the truth and salvation" for it. No. He only needs to be patient and fulfil his duty as a Catholic (since he calls himself Catholic) to study and meditate on the truths of our Holy Religion. That study and meditation will help him and his ilks to discern what the Catholic obligation is with regards to the usurped and occupied Catholic buildings.
And, how exactly is the Sedevacantist cause "fruitless and self serving" as Mr. Patrick Oke would have one believe? On account of the apostolate of the Sedevacantists, a number of people of goodwill have been undeceived about the Modernist hypnosis-inducing hypocrisy and the Vatican II apostasy.
Those thus undeceived testify to the glory of God how blind they were and uninstructed in the rudiments of the Catholic Faith all their days within the confines of the Modernist impostor church camouflaging as Catholic until an encounter, serving as grace of the present moment lead them to the Sedevacantist position which alone confirms and defends Catholic infallibility and indefectibility.
Meanwhile, on account of their defense of the unchanged and unchanging Catholic Faith Sedevacantists are exposed to many inconveniences: loss of families and friends, they are treated as society's outcasts and misfits - how exactly is that self-serving? Just like the Apostles and Martyrs rejoiced in being persecuted for the name of the Risen Lord, the Sedevacantist rejoice in being ridiculed, calumniated and ill-treated on account of the truth of the Catholic Faith, so much for a self-serving venture!
A House Under Attack
As a matter of fact, a house under attack either from fire or by armed men can be defended either from within or without: the particular case would determine which is best suited. Meanwhile, it can happen that the defense of such a house becomes impossible and must be abandoned. But, of what help is this analogy to Patrick Oke's case?
Pope St. Pius X noted in his days that
...the partisans of error are to be sought not only among the Church's open enemies; they lie hid, a thing to be deeply deplored and feared, in her very bosom and heart, and are the more mischievous, the less conspicuously they appear. We allude, Venerable Brethren, to many who belong to the Catholic laity, nay, and this is far more lamentable, to the ranks of the priesthood itself, who, feigning a love for the Church, lacking the firm protection of philosophy and theology, nay more, thoroughly imbued with the poisonous doctrines taught by the enemies of the Church, and lost to all sense of modesty, vaunt themselves as reformers of the Church; and, forming more boldly into line of attack, assail all that is most sacred in the work of Christ, not sparing even the person of the Divine Redeemer, whom, with sacrilegious daring, they reduce to a simple, mere man. (Pascendi, n.2).
The partisans of error spoken about are the Modernists, whom he only successfully drove into hiding from fear of exposure. It is well known that the Modernists in hiding emerged as "New theology movement" whose "theology" became the official theology of the conciliar /synodal Church at Vatican II.
The "attack" in question is from "within the building": a total take over and control of the physical structures of the Church by the most pernicious of her adversaries who infiltrated her buildings as wolves in sheep's clothing, bent on transforming the Catholic Church from within in line with broad and liberal protestantism (65th condemned proposition of the Modernists)
Now, let us suppose that Mr. Patrick Oke finds himself in a situation in which his father's house is highjacked by supposed friends of his family who came to attend a special function. Their intention is to keep the house intact, but change it's use to a place to legally sin against holy purity. Mr. Patrick Oke is left with one of two options: remain within the building and participate in the desecration of his father's patrimony or escape from the building and seek out help to reclaim his inheritance; and as long as he is yet to reclaim his father's house he simply continues to represent his father faithfully wherever he finds himself as someone "on the run".
The fact that Mr. Patrick Oke "left" his father's house now usurped and occupied by intruders and is being desecrated by them does not in any way make him loose his right as a bonafide son of his father,or does it?. His family name is not tied to the family building. Buildings can be lost - for many reasons.
Now, realizing that Modernists have highjacked Catholic structures and buildings uncompromising Catholics flee the buildings though retaining that which defines them as Catholics -adherence to the unchanged and unchanging doctrine of Faith once handed to the saints; just like Mr. Patrick Oke would flee his father's house now usurped and occupied by intruders, while retaining his family identity.
Uncompromising Catholics, styled Sedevacantists, schooled by St. Athanasius, know that their Catholic identity is not tied to Catholic buildings; just as Mr. Patrick Oke would figure out that his family identity is not tied to his family house. Is that not simple enough to figure out?
Association and Consequences
It is true that "association have consequences". In the hypothetical scenario of Mr. Patrick Oke's family house, his remaining within the house left him with no other choice than to be a partner in the desecration of his father's house. The case is the same regarding remaining in communion with the Modernists who have usurped and are occupying Catholic buildings till-date. That communion with, and obedience to, the Modernist impostor hierarchy comes with the following consequences among others:
- Consenting to the heresies of Vatican II concerning the nature and mission of the Church; false ecumenism; religious liberty; collegiality...
- Active participation in their pernicious and non-Catholic worship: the so-called "new order of Mass".
- Reception of their invalid Sacraments.
- Infection with the modernist poison: indifferentism -making one rationalize in the defensive over interreligious and interfaith worship.
- Admitting anything but Sedevacantism and redefining the papacy so as to accommodate the obvious incongruity between the papacy and Modernist papal claimants.
In a word, association with the modernist impostor church and hierarchy leads gradually but surely to the loss of Catholic faith in one's soul, thereby endangering one's salvation.
Now, because Mr. Patrick Oke remains associated with the Modernist establishment occupying Catholic buildings, he sees no qualms referring to one and the same subject as the "Pope" and "destroyer of souls", what no Catholic truly so can affirm. Where did he make this affirmation? Again, by association: he reposted someone's post on Facebook showing the Modernist Papal impostor "Francis" in some pagan temple as shown below:
Prophetic, Angelic Command
Speaking concerning Babylon, the type of the unfaithful people of God, the holy prophet Jeremias enjoined "flight"
"Flee ye from the midst of Babylon, and let every one save his own life: be not silent upon her iniquity: for it is the time of revenge from the Lord, he will render unto her what she hath deserved" (Jer. 51:6)
Holy prophet Isaias enjoined a "coming forth from Babylon":
Come forth out of Babylon, flee ye from the Chaldeans, declare it with the voice of joy: make this to be heard, and speak it out even to the ends of the earth. Say: The Lord hath redeemed his servant Jacob. (Is. 48:20)
An angelic voice in the apocalypse echoed concerning Babylon, again:
...Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen: and is become the habitation of devils and the hold of every unclean spirit and the hold of every unclean and hateful bird:..dAnd I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins and that you receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven: and the Lord hath remembered her iniquities. (Apoc. 18:2, 4-5)
Now, everyone with an informed Catholic Common Sense knows that apocalyptic "Babylon" is a figure of Apostate Rome. Mr. Patrick Oke admits that there an "apostasy" in play, but wrongly says it is "in the Church". He needs the singular grace to be able to understand that Rome under the yoke of Modernist papal impostors, though retaining physical structures of Catholic Rome, is Apostate Rome. Then would he see that the Sedevacantists have simply given due and prompt response to the prophetic and angelic commands to "flee from the midst of", to "come forth from", to "go out from", apostolate Rome that they may be not partakers of her sins of indifferentism and apostasy and receive not her plagues. This fact became clear to me at some point in the course of my adventure to look up the songs of praise of the glories of Vatican II by my lecturers and formators as I recount in the 23rd chapter (Soliloquies) of "My Treasured Mistake)
Summing Up
Far from being "interesting" as the poorly informed fellow that commented on Mr. Patrick Oke's comment on my post thought it to be, it is summarily misleading, calumnious and lends itself as a handy tool for those in the army of the Modernist conspiracy against the Catholic cause to-day.
Mr. Patrick Oke must come to terms with the facts that
- Just like St. Athanasius and his persecuted faithful were forced out of Catholic buildings but remain "within the Church" by virtue of their uncompromising adherence to the Catholic Faith, so too though Sedevacantists today are "outside" Catholic buildings , they remain "within the Church" by virtue of their uncompromising adherence to the Catholic Faith.
- Just like the Arians, though they occupied Catholic buildings were "outside" the Church on account of their heresy; in the same way, though Modernists today are occupying Catholic buildings, they are "outside the Church" on account of their synthesis of all heresies.
- Rome under the yoke of modernism is Apostate Rome; and every Catholic has the obligation to flee from, come forth from, go out from, apostate Rome to prove themselves uncompromisingly Catholic.
All this verbiage to justify an error.This is how they go to great lengths spewing false knowledge like agnostics to deceive poor Christians.This write up against Patrick Oke is in itself gross apostasy.Everything Patrick Oke has said is true.The legitimacy of this priest is questionable.Who ordained him?Under which diocese or Bishop?A group of people cannot just emerge from somewhere,claim knowledge of the Catholic faith and establish a church.Where is it in the bible where Our Lord says it will be okay in future to leave his church because of the apostasy of 2nd Thessalonians and claim legitimacy based on a private understanding of the catholic faith?Only Him who established the church can judge it.Please every body should be careful.You attend so called masses at the hand of these people and you risk your salvation.These masses are not accepted by Heaven.If you don't believe me,just die first and see what God's answer to you would be.Outside the church there is no salvation.One must keep the authentic catholic faith only within the church.This calls for a readiness to be persecuted even martyrdom.This is the way of the real Christ.
ReplyDeleteHave you read book of blackcatolic cardinale sarah FAR NOT Spent read it dont judge so GOD not judge you !