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- some thoughts for the last day of the year...
It is the last day of the year 2022 and it is fitting a day to carry out a sort of examination of conscience irrespective of whatever decrees or declarations the false prophets of prosperity gospel have dished out -blind leading the blind.
The question to ponder is: what is the state of your conscience at present? if an angel came down from heaven at this moment and told you "Prepare yourself, for you will die within an hour"; what would your heart tell you? would you feel peaceful about dying in the state you are in at present? would you be content to die at this hour and in the state you are now in?
our Blessed Lord said "Let your loins be girt and lamps burning in your hands. And you yourselves like to men who wait for their lord, when he shall return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open to him immediately. Blessed are those servants whom the Lord, when he cometh, shall find watching..."[Luke 12:35-37]
The lighted lamp is a symbol of faith that must illumine the road for us in this valley of tears and guide our every step and action. the girted loins points to readiness to walk in the ways of goodness and work generously, without minding fatigue, in the accomplishment of our duty of state.
St. Augustine explains that to girt the loins is to restrain lustful appetites, and that this is about self-control. while to have lamps burning, he says, is to shine and glow with good works, and that his is about justice. He explains further that, when our Lord comes, "He will repay us who have restrained ourselves from yielding to what lust has demanded and who have done what love has commanded, that we might reign in his perfect and everlasting peace, free from the struggle of evil and enjoying the supreme delight of good"
Through the course of this year that is ending: have you restrained yourself from what lust has demanded? have you done what divine love has commanded? have you nourished your faith, or have you been indifferent to the truths of the faith and all that pertains to the defense of its integrity? how did you fare in regard to prayer, which is the voice of faith? how did you fare in daily meditation, the indispensable oil that keeps your lamp burning? how have you developed the spirit of inner piety, which is the soul and expression of faith?
Perhaps you may have scored so low. Realize that the first step in going to God, the first means for gaining interior peace is sincere repentance. This sincere repentance makes one ready to die at any moment, even a sudden death, and appear before the Divine Judge. Within this framework, there is no such thing as 'untimely death' which the false prophets of prosperity gospel are always raining declarations against. To one armed with the true faith, a faith nourished and kept burning by means of prayer, daily meditation and the devout use of the Sacraments, the channels of divine grace; to one whose faith has born fruits in good works commanded by divine love, fruits that lasts; at death life is changed, not ended.
If it be granted you to see the next year, be sure that it is an opportunity offered you by our Merciful Father to learn how to girt your loins and keep your lamp burning as a servant waiting for his master's return.
Make a resolution now to examine your conscience every day, for you do not know if this year now ending will be the last for you.
It is imperative that at whatever moment the Lord may call each of us, we be found faithful and worthy to be called blessed.
On this last day of this year: let us bless the Lord! thanks be to God The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. Amen.
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