Learning, Faith: The same? No!
St. Catherine of Alexander,
whose learning and faith the modernists claim to possess...
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Concerning St. Catherine of Alexandria, we read that “having from her youth combined the study of liberal arts with the ardor of the true faith, she soon rose to high perfection both in doctrine and in holiness… She rebuked the emperor Maximian for tormenting the Christians and brought forward wise reasons why the faith of Christ should be needful for salvation.
The emperor, filled with admiration for her learning, assembled from all parts the most learned men, to bring her over from the faith of Jesus to the worship of idols. However, the contrary happened, for several were converted to Christianity by the cogency of her arguments. This, and a further miracle brought about the conversion of many, but left the emperor hardened in his godlessness and cruelty, causing her to be beheaded.
NOW… the modernists, pretending to profess the same faith she professed; defended and died for; and who glory in excelling in philosophical studies, of their own initiative indeed assemble ‘the most learned men’ from all parts, but not to bring forward wise reasons why the Christian Faith alone is useful for salvation and to bring them from the worship of idols to the saving faith; but rather to ‘dialogue on equal ground with idol worshipers, highlighting what is so-called ‘common’ between the Catholic faith the claim to profess, and the religion of the idolaters, insisting all must foster ‘what unites us’ and ‘forget what divides us’ so as to build world peace, making the world a better place to live.
Hardened in their godlessness like the idolaters with whom they dialogue, they ‘behead’ uncompromising Catholics by their calumnies, stigmatization and estrangement.
It goes to show that these modernists have neither the same learning, nor the faith and holiness of St. Catherine of Alexandria… though they insist on glorying in the Catholic name.
Not the same learning nor learning, for neither true philosophy nor faith can promote dialogue between truth and falsehood, or something contrary to reason. Their love for error and eagerness to dialogue with error is an infallible sign of lack of that holiness that adorned the life of St. Catherine of Alexandria -for the cannot be holiness where there is no hatred for error, no hatred for heresy.
Yes, by their dialogue with idolaters, and joint worship with them, they manifest themselves as non-Catholics.
What is worse: the attempt to bring unsuspecting Catholics over from the faith of Jesus, the Catholic Faith, to the worship of idols…
Well, only those who “receive not the love of truth” are allowed by God to believe the lies of these modernists hook, line and sinker as the saying goes... God is not mocked!
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