It is Pentecost!
*Alleluia, the Spirit of the Lord filleth the world: * O come, let us worship Him, alleluia*
Pentecost is not merely an anniversary; it is also a source of life - the descent of the Holy Ghost into our hearts. Devotion to the Holy Ghost is a measure of our sanctity. None devoted to the spirit of Truth could be indifferent to the Truth, the revealed Truth. None confirmed in the truth by the Spirit of Truth could be a promoter of the impiety of modernist religious indifference...
Having become the temple of God, to what a high degree of sanctity should we not mold our actions? And how careful we ought to be in guarding ourselves against the spirit of the world which scornfully refuses to love God in return for His love and so renders itself deserving of final reprobation.
Today's Collect
*O God, Who on this day didst instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Ghost: grant that by the same Spirit we may relish what is right, and ever rejoice in His consolation!"Amen.
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