Co-consecrating Bishops And Modernist Hypocrisy

Modernist governors empowered with modernist “governing spirit”
going through the rite of making one of their kind
by empowering him with the modernist “governing spirit” 


Someone wrote:

“Hi Father 

Laudetur Iesus Christus ! 

I've a question for you…:

Do you know why there are co-consecrators, and since when there have been co-consecrators?

- For episcopal consĂ©crations -”

I sent a quick response which is essentially reproduced here. In addition however, a consideration will be made of the modernist hypocrisy with regards to the question at hand. 

What The Cannon Law Stipulates

Canon 954 of the 1917 Code prescribes that: 


a consecrating Bishop must use two other Bishops who assist him in the consecration, unless a dispensation from (this) requirement has been obtained from the Holy See".

This is simply a codification of an ancient custom of the Church. 

Concerning the history of the usage, we read thus in the Catholic encyclopedia:

"The earliest times the idea was to Assemble as many bishops as possible for the election and consecration of a new bishop, and it became the rule that the comprovincials at least should participate under the presidency of the metropolitan or primate. But this was found impracticable in a matter of such frequency; so in the Council of Nicæa we find it enacted that "a bishop ought to be chosen by all the bishops of his province, but if that is impossible because of some urgent necessity, or because of the length of the journey, let three bishops at least assemble and proceed to the consecration, having the written permission of the absent" (can. iv)"

In the same article St. Isidore is quoted to have explained that: 

"[The custom] that a bishop should not be ordained by one bishop, but by all the comprovincial bishops, is known to have been instituted on account of heresies, and in order that the tyrannical authority of one person should not attempt anything contrary to the faith of the Church." 

It is further explained that the practice of requiring at least three bishops for the consecration ceremony, though no longer needed for its ancient purpose, has always been retained as befitting the solemnity of the occasion.. The Canon guiding this, as quoted, requires two Bishops.

A renowned commentator notes that this Canon does not affect the validity of a consecration, but constitutes a grievous obligation to employ two co-consecrating Bishops. So, using two co-consecrating Bishops belongs to the integrity of the rites.

Noteworthy is that an exception is made for missionary countries where it is practically impossible to bring so many bishops together, the Holy See there allowing two priests to act as assistants to the consecrator. 

We find ourselves today in a situation where the provision of this exception is utilized for obvious reasons by traditional Catholic Bishops. 

Comes in Modernist Hypocrisy

From Pope St Pius X’ condemnation of the doctrines of the Modernists, we know that their choicest strategy is duplicity by which they try to appear as Catholic as possible while undermining Catholicity in it's essential nature at the same time. 

Now, as to externals, Canon 1014 of the 1983  Modernist code of Canon Law prescribes that: 

Unless a dispensation has been granted by the Apostolic See, the principal consecrating Bishop at an Episcopal consecration is to have at least two other consecrating Bishops with him. It is, however, entirely appropriate that all the Bishops present should join with these in consecrating the Bishop-elect.

But, as referenced by Fr. Cekada, Modernist liturgical wreck-novators considered the “Preface” of the traditional Catholic Rite of Episcopal Consecration in which is found the essential “form”; to be of “poor doctrinal content”, “oriented almost exclusively towards the Bishop's liturgical role”; and as a “hybrid formula, poorly balanced”. 

Given such adduced lack, what did they do? Well, they resolutely opted for a new text deemed to better express the new theology of Vatican II. According to this new theology, the essential form for Episcopal Consecration is as follows, “the governing spirit” being the “Episcopal power”: 

So now pour out upon this chosen one that power which is from you, the governing spirit whom you gave to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the spirit given by him to the holy apostles, who founded the Church in every place to be your temple for the unceasing glory and praise of your name
(1968 Pontificalis Romanis of “Paul VI”).

Given what is underlined above about the motive for opting for a new text, it would have been a miracle indeed if the modernist “essential form” were to have been essentially the same with the traditional Catholic essential form, wouldn't it? 

 It is no surprise then that the Modernist “essential form” is a substantial change in the traditional Catholic sacramental form for conferring the Order of episcopacy, as definitively shown by Fr. Cekada of blessed memory in his “Absolutely Null, Utterly Void: The 1968 Rite of Episcopal Consecration”. The traditional Catholic essential form as definitively fixed by Pope Pius XII in his “Sacramemtum Ordinis” which univocally signify the sacramental effects i.e. the power of the Order and the grace of the Holy Ghost, reads thus:

Fulfill in thy priest the completion of Thy ministry, and adorned in the ornaments of all glorification sanctify him with the moisture of heavenly unguent”

Traditional Catholic rite of episcopal consecration:
Episcopal consecration of Bp. C. McGuire 

It must be noted that modernist substantial alteration of the essential form for conferring episcopacy was made on the diabolical altar of ecumenism. 

Closing remarks

How deceived are the modernists! Bent on transforming the Catholic Church from within, the Church, being substantially not transformable eludes them in all their attempts. They  always end up with an ape, a counterfeit of anything Catholic: at best having the buildings like their forebears in the heretical sectarian tradition. 

We hear St. Athanasius, the champion of Catholic orthodoxy address us as he did his flock during the Arian usurpation and occupation of Catholic buildings:

May God comfort you. I know moreover that not only this thing saddens you, but also the fact that while others have obtained the churches by violence, you are meanwhile cast out from your places. For they hold the places, but you the Apostolic Faith. They are, it is true, in the places, but outside of the true Faith; while you are outside the places indeed, but the Faith, within you. Let us consider whether is the greater, the place or the Faith. Clearly the true Faith. Who then has lost more, or who possesses more? He who holds the place, or he who holds the Faith? Good indeed is the place, when the Apostolic Faith is preached there, holy is it if the Holy One dwell there. (After a little:) But ye are blessed, who by faith are in the Church, dwell upon the foundations of the faith, and have full satisfaction, even the highest degree of faith which remains among you unshaken. For it has come down to you from Apostolic tradition... 


  1. May God keep you Padre

  2. Bishop Okechukwu Nkamuke BedeOctober 9, 2024 at 7:07 AM

    Thank you Padre once again for your write-up. We need to be reminded every now and then what damage has been done to the faithful and our duty to sift through the errors in order to hold on to the truth.


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