You Need To Learn Catechism!
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Uncompromising Catholics need no sweats to make the choice... |
"We learn something new everyday" is a familiar saying, "even from a pure water sachet" a certain lecturer of mine when I was a student of Philosophy in the Modernist-dressed-as- Catholic seminary would often add. A common knowledge is that whatever new truth we come to learn, to the extent it is a truth; [it ] could never contradict truths already known from the past. |
Now, on the 14th of September 2024, replying to a post I made on X, someone thought I "need to learn catechism" because he judged me not well instructed enough in whatever "catechism" he/she had in mind. The reply went thus:
Sounds like you need to learn Catechism.
You have no idea at all. Don’t call yourself a Fr with your lack of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. You have no such gifts from the Holy Spirit.
Go to confession before distributing communion and receiving. Otherwise it’s grave sin.
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It is written: "...cast out first the beam out of thy own eye, and then shalt thou see to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye" (Matt. 7:5) |
The Incriminating Post: A Quiz
The screenshot of the post which betrayed my supposed lack of "knowledge, wisdom and understanding" requiring me to "learn catechism" is as shown below:
As shown above, the "easy quiz" is to identify from the two pictures with the words inscribed below each, the one that is "not of a Catholic".
Indeed to one with an informed Catholic common sense, it is an easy quiz, isn't it?
The Point At Issue
What is the point of departure in this "quiz"? Precisely this: communicatio in sacris i.e. communication in sacred things.
The 1917 code of Canon Law in force, and to which every Catholic conscience is still bound, has it in the 1258th Canon that
It is unlawful for Catholics to assist actively in any way at, or to take part in, the religious services of non-Catholics. A passive or merely material presence may be tolerated, for reasons of civil duty or honor, at funerals, weddings, and similar celebrations, provided no danger of perversion or scandal arises from the assistance. In doubtful cases the reason for assisting must be grave, and recognized as such by the Bishop.
What is the reason behind this Canon? A renowned commentator notes thus:
The reason why the Church has always forbidden such participation in the religious services of non-Catholics is the intimate conviction that she herself is the only true Church of Christ. Secondary reasons for this prohibition are: the quasi-aprobation of non-Catholic worship which lies in a Catholic's participation therein and which at the same time is an external profession of faith. The other reason is scandal, which may be given to Catholics who see the mixture of worship and the deference paid to non-Catholic ministers and functions. Finally, there is danger of perversion, or of gradually increasing religious indifference when the faithful freely and indiscriminately participate in heretical religious services. Even the simulation of false religion is incompatible with the purity of the Catholic faith...
No doubt, this cannon derives from the first of the Ten Commandment which forbids false worship in all it's shades as is the worship of heretics and schismatics, idolatory, foolish or perverted worship etc.
Against this backdrop, the words of Pope St. Agatho I thus quoted resounds in the mind a Catholic who is not a victim of the Modernist poison - indiffrentism: "if anyone prays with heretics, he is a heretic". The reason is not far fetched: such communication is an external profession of their false faith.
A Revealing Reference:
To drive in the point that I "have no idea at all" and that I need to learn "catechism", the fellow attached a screenshot of the Modernist catechism falsely called "Catechism of the Catholic Church" which in turn quotes from the Modernist robber council (Lumen Gentium, Nostra Acetate) with regards the relationship between "Catholics" and non-Catholic religions:
What exactly is the argument here? That the words of the so-called "Mother Theresa" are profoundly 'Catholic' since they have backing in the "Catechism of the Catholic Church". Because of our common origin and and end, and because of the goodness and truth found in all religions, the argument goes, "we must all pray together"!
According to this fellow therefore, if I knew about this link between "Mother Theresa"' words and the "Catechism of the Catholic Church" I would not post a quiz insinuating her as being not Catholic.
Reviewing what we have noted above concerning the Catholic principle concerning communication in sacred things, it is easy to see exactly how Catholic are Mother Theresa's words as confirmed by this so called "Catechism of the Catholic Church", isn't it?
One thing is certain, while this fellow seemed vested enough in Modernist catechism to know where to quote and defend modernist pseudo saints, he has no clue about Catholic catechism even though he clings to the Catholic name, therefore defending the cause of the Modernist impostor church believing himself to be fighting the Catholic cause. Isn't that pitiful?
Another user rightly pointed out to that:
Fr.'s point is Vatican II isn't Catholic.
If you want to prove that the V2 religion is consistent with the Catholic Faith from before V2, it won't do to quote post-V2 sources.
You've only proved that MT was consistent with the V2 religion, not that this religion is Catholic.
Fruit of Modernist Tree:
From the commentary on the code of the cannon Law referenced above, one sees how "mother" Theresa of Calcutta is a fruit of Modernist Tree of indiffrentism, and no less so the poor interlocutor defending her not knowing any better.
From that rotten source of indiffrentism, the modernist robber council declared that:
- The human person has the right by divine and natural law to religious freedom, whatever religion it may be.
- Which springs from the principle that one religion is as good as the other since each religion spring from some so-called religious sense, unique to each and incommunicable.
Another defender objected:
"Is this a joke? Mother Teresa suffered and devoted herself to helping the suffering her entire life if she is not Catholic nobody is Catholic"
A bold defense, one is forced to admit.
Well, from the above treatment of communication in sacred things in Catholic terms, one sees the bubble of this poor fellow bursted pitifully. Besides, her famed charity was no Catholic charity at all since it tolerated false ideas and rode on both theoretical and practical indifference. She was a heroic secular humanitarian whose contribution in the field of humanitarian philanthropy was roundly recognized and she got her due reward from her fellow secular humanists.
Another defender objected:
I think you may be taking this a little too far. Mother Teresa is talking about coming together in friendship. The Pope is talking about actually embracing their beliefs. Very different.
Coming together in friendship indeed! Who would take such explanation seriously? Meanwhile, one must re-read what Pope St. Agatho I says to make it sink: "anyone who prays with heretics, is a heretic". The sense is clear: it concerns active participation in heretical worship which is an external profession of faith.
Another poor victim of modernist indiffrentism said concerning me:
He’s deep into Sedevacantism. He would reject the Catechism as part of the False Catholic Church. Pray for him.
I’ll say a prayer for him as I post this.
How well he states the obvious! How much he needs the prayers of Uncompromising Catholics for him to recognize the modernist catechism for what it is!
Summing up:
The ignorance into which modernist poison of indiffrentism has plunged many while clinging to the Catholic name does not fail to shamelessly manifest itself in their otherwise well-intentioned defense of what they have been made to accept as "Catholic".
The same ignorance makes them guilty of rash judgments and often, disregard and disrespect for Uncompromising traditional clergy men while they hold the modernist lay-robed-men in high esteem. We know that in the final analysis they do not know what they are doing. We forgive them with a pitying smile while praying that they may be rescued from their very selves since left alone their are set to be their own undoing...
Sadly, having taken a fatal dosage of that slow poison, some have made a vow not to "take Sedevacantists seriously". Such an attitude of the mind is most certainly an obstacle to coming to the knowledge of the truth. There is no doubt that their ignorance is of a vincible sort. Only a miracle of grace could bring them to see how they need to "learn the traditional Catholic catechism". Learning it, they are sure, not only to take Sedevacantists seriously, but also to become Sedevacantists themselves for then they would know that to be Sedevacantist is to be an Uncompromising Catholic when there is no Pope in these days of the great modernist apostasy.
It is ours to continue in our Uncompromising witness to the Catholic cause while we continue our entreaty to the throne of grace for the Exaltation of the Catholic Church, the humiliation of the enemies of our Holy Faith, the uprooting of heresy, especially the modernist heresy which is the synthesis of all heresies, the conversion of sinners and repentance of unbelievers...
A Catholic minded user left the following most edifying words in reply:
Blessed be God!
Yes, Uncompromising Catholics are ever in the need to "learn" the Catholic catechism more and more so as to fruitfully unmask the modernist hypocrisy to men of goodwill who are victims the modernist hypocrisy in good Faith.
And, to anyone desiring to be undeceived of the modernist hypocrisy and freed from the effect of the modernist poison of indiffrentism we must say "you need to learn traditional Catholic catechism!!! Harden not your heart!
Thank you very much fr I learnt a lot. May our Lady Seat of Wisdom continue to fill you with more wisdom and insight.
ReplyDeleteThere are so many catechisms to choose from
Which one do you recommend? The catechism of St Pius X? The catechism of Trent? The Baltimore catechisms? The catechetical instructions of st Thomas?