An Innovative Contribution Of Course!
One of the topical themes in many quarters most recently revolves around the pretended doctrinal declaration, "Fiducia supplicans" published by an organ of the modernist impostor hierarchy. The value of this document is said to be that "it offers a specific and innovative contribution to the pastoral meaning of blessings, permitting a broadening and enrichment of the classical understanding of blessings... based on the pastoral vision" of the incumbent modernist papal impostor whose stage name is 'Pope Francis.
Those who have kept track of the different phases leading to this 'doctrinal declaration' rightly affirm that, despite its seemingly cautious provisions, it represents a major step forward for the members of the L.G.B.T.Q community who cling tenaciously to the Catholic name: rather than penance and firm purpose of amendment, they have longed for some sort of official endorsement of their perversion by means of a public blessing by 'the church', and now they have it... It is, of course, also a major step forward for those nominal Catholics who, based on modernist pastoral principles are known under the euphemism 'those in irregular situation" i.e. the divorced and re-married, those living in concubinage, etc: they too are beneficiaries of the specific and innovative contribution of "Fiducia supplicans".
Scriptural/ Apostolic Foundation?
- We know that "...the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire...out of heaven" [Gen. 19: 24] because of their abominable same-sex unions.
- St. Paul, writing to the Romans, [Rom. 1:24-27] underlines that God justly abandoned the godless to uncleanness: to dishonor their own bodies among themselves and delivered them to shameful affections - men with men also.
- writing to the Corinthians, [1 Cor. 6:10] St. Paul numbers unrepentant "liers with mankind" among those to not possess the kingdom of God.
- St. Jude [1:7] writes that Sodom and Gomorrha were made an example, suffering the punishment of eternal fire.
The modernist declaration, providing for the possibility of blessings for couples in irregular situations and for couples of the same sex, states that:
a blessing may be imparted that not only has an ascending value but also involves the invocation of a blessing that descends from God upon those who—recognizing themselves to be destitute and in need of his help—do not claim a legitimation of their own status, but who beg that all that is true, good, and humanly valid in their lives and their relationships be enriched, healed, and elevated by the presence of the Holy Spirit" [FS 31]
- We know, from Sacred Scripture and from Apostolic times to-date that anyone who does not desire to claim legitimization of their sinful status undergoes a thorough examination of conscience and be filled with deep sorrow and a firm purpose of amendment, resolved to return to God with his whole heart.
- by Apostolic tradition, the formular for one who does not desire legitimization for his sinful state is to, after a thorough examination of conscience, request for the blessing of a confessor saying "BLESS ME, FATHER, FOR I HAVE SINNED..."
- But the modernist false teachers encourage those who proudly identify as same-sex couples to deal with God as with an untrustful merchant: asking His blessing on some elements of their lives, while having their backs turned to God on account of their refusal to accept His moral law in this or that matter. what sacrilege. what impiety.
A Defaming Project
The victims of the modernist hypocrisy are terribly horrified by the fact that a possibility is made for blessing those who are proudly same-sex couples by one they revere as 'Pope'. They find it hard to reconcile this authorization with the little they remember of the doctrine concerning the infallibility of the Pope in matters of faith and morals.
Meanwhile, in the heat of misrepresentation of the content of the declaration under consideration, the modernist bishops conference of Nigeria weighed in to offer a clarification. In their intervention, they justify the innovative theology of the pastoral meaning of blessing, while insisting that the 'Church's' teaching on marriage remain intact. Well, we are not unaware of the modernist strategy of hypocritically affirming "no change in doctrine" while changing a pastoral practice knowing fully well that the changed practice will, by a gradual progression, lead to a change in doctrine in the mind and heart of the beneficiaries or rather victims of the said pastoral practice.
Now, all this gives the Papacy and the Catholic Church a bad name before those who still mistake the religion promoted by Bergoglio and his modernist cohorts to be the Catholic religion; the church headed by them to be the Catholic Church.
But, of course, giving a bad name to the Papacy and the Catholic Church and to reduce the moral influence of both in society has been the sworn project of the synagogue of Satan.
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"Bergoglio's blessings for homosexual couples show he is a "servant of Satan" says "Archbishop" Vigano |
An Innovative Contribution Of Course!
Now, in the wake of this modernist doctrinal declaration, those with informed Catholic Common Sense, knowing that Bergoglio is a modernist papal pretender, would be wont to congratulate him for taking of something of the modernist mask and be honest at least for once as the minister of the antichrist by overtly promoting vice in honor of his master, the vicious one.
Yes, the modernist declaration, Fiducia supplicans", is indeed a specific and innovative modernist contribution as a step further in setting the stage for the reign of the antichrist when he appears.
The Catholic Cause
The true Catholic Bishops and Priests to-day, being instant in season and out of season, reproving, entreating, rebuking in all patience and doctrine [2 Tim. 4;14] continue to preach on the intrinsic evil of same sex unions, the evil of divorce and remarriage [its status as public adultery] and the evil of living in concubinage. They know that no tacit approval whatsoever could be given to these evils under whatever pretext. They continue to teach that there is forgiveness for every sin provided that the sinner repents; that there shall be joy before the angels of God in heaven for one sinner doing penance; and to the obstinate they repeat the words of Our Lord "unless you do penance, you shall perish".
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