Poor Blinds?!
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The Bergoglian train... how sad to behold! |
Recently, the Modernist Papal impostor with the stage name "Pope Francis" reiterated his teaching on homosexuality with a new vigor and has made for a topical point of interest for those gifted with the art of weaving words - both those who use that gift in defense of the truth and virtue; and those who misuse it in the promotion and defense of falsehood and vice, like a so-called "Catholic theologian" who argues that "it shouldn't seem so surprising when the Pope (sic) says being gay isn't a crime"
Much virtual ink is already spilled on account of this Bergoglian-topical reiteration, and those on the side of truth have done a good job in setting the records straight. My interest in the topic, however, was ignited on hearing about what some persons, who were my "younger confreres" while I was a Temporary Professed Religious in the Novus Ordo, had to say concerning the matter.
Bergoglio on homosexuality: in brief.
According to the Papal impostor
Homosexuality is a human condition.
Homosexuality is not a crime.
Criminalization of homosexuality and homosexual people is neither good nor just.
Homosexuality is, simply, "a sin as is any sexual act outside of marriage."
Those who want to criminalize homosexuality are wrong.
These points are retrieved from here.
My ex-"younger confreres" pro-Bergoglio:
These ex-younger confreres of mine, like many others in their ranks, have refused to give heed to my testimony - and that of a classmate of theirs who I have since called my "partner in crime"; against modernism and its fruits. Some, having proved themselves well versed in modernist ecclesiology in all ramifications, are presently permanently signed up in the Modernist puppetry agency and are paraded as "Catholic Priests"; never giving any ear to whatever evidence from objective Catholic sacramental theology that they are lay-robed men.
As true products of the spirit of Vatican II, they have the following, among other things, to say in defense of their Pope:
He lives in a society that permits such union. His saying it's not a crime only explains his context. At the end, he calls it a sin. Every state (nation) is independent to decide for its citizens, and so, if he says it's not a crime, it doesn't mean Africans states should accept it. Keep to your principles, both personal and cultural, avoid copying others.
The Pope is being compassionate to everyone. He's encouraging a lifestyle of welcoming and not judging. For that, I think it's ok. Kick against maltreatment inasmuch as we hate the culture of homo. We should not treat them as less humans.
He's calling for brotherliness.
He took a stance by condemning the act to be a sin.
Bergoglio and classic modernist tactics:
The "Pope of Providence", St. Pius X, tells us about modernist that:
"...In the writings and addresses they seem not unfrequently to advocate now one doctrine now another so that one would be disposed to regard them as vague and doubtful. But there is a reason for this, and it is to be found in their ideas as to the mutual separation of science and faith. Hence in their books you find some things which might well be expressed by a Catholic, but in the next page you find other things which might have been dictated by a rationalist…" (Pascendi, n.18).
Here, we see duplicity as the classic modernist strategy. How well schooled is Bergoglio in this!
On the one hand, he slyly says homosexuality is not a crime: what a rationalist and atheist would say without blinking an eye and with no prick of conscience, since the natural law, founded on the Eternal, is denied by all atheists and those who refuse to admit the existence of any supreme objective norm of morality.
On the other hand, he says homosexuality is a sin, by which he prides himself to be simply repeating Catholic moral teaching.
Scandalized by "the Pope":
Now, while a number among these my "younger confreres" -unknown as lay-robed men perpetually signed up in the Modernist puppetry agency- were defending Bergoglio and set themselves up to explain and clarify on his behalf, one of them, a known-lay man (because he did not continue the journey towards being perpetually signed up like his comrades) had the following to say:
No one said it's a crime.... but is it moral???. That something is legal doesn't make it Moral.... The Pope is actually making things difficult for Catholics in Africa and Asia.
He shouldn't complicate already complicated issues… We know it's not a crime, but must it be encouraged? It should be frowned at and not be diplomatic about it.
Today's world is more sympathetic to them than even straight people… The Church shouldn't join society in this way of life.... The Church should be at the forefront of not sugarcoating issues.
Don't tell me he is living in a society that encourages it and he is only calling against a culture of maltreatment against them…
Whenever someone has to try to clarify better on someone's ambiguity, then it's obvious that a lie is being covered. Either he takes a stance or be silent about it...no sitting on the fence....
What he just said in that statement is that it's ok to be gay even though it's a sin.
All this is about love of God and culture of maltreatment is just sitting on the fence...and when one is sitting on the fence it's obvious his stance already… I give it less than 5 yrs.......the church will dance to the tune of the society.
Twisted thinking:
From this thread we see that by his conscious use of the Modernist tactics -ambiguity, the Papal impostor, Bergoglio, has successfully twisted the thought pattern of his victims who falsely recognize him as "Pope". Amongst other things:
He makes some believe that because some elements (diabolic elements, we must say) in society to-day have worked tooth and nail to obtain legality for homosexuality, then, homosexuality is not a crime: but it is a crime against the natural law which participates in the eternal law!
He instills in others a warped notion of compassion and makes them accept the evolution of morality according to the times. This false compassion confirms people in their perversion and have not the Ultimate End of man in view: that end which is union with God with perfect charity.
Being the master "bridge builder": he bridges the gap between legality and morality; -as though there could be true legality without morality.
He makes others accuse the Church, the ground and pillar of the Truth, of siding with error and vice, and to take it upon themselves to call the Church to order. -how heart wrenching it is to see the crimes of the modernist impostor church and its agents being attributed to the Spotless Bride of Christ!
Certainly, only the blind, led by him who is blinded by modernist perversion of the mind, pride, and ignorance, could be a beneficiary of such mind twisting. How rightly Pope St Pius X told us concerning modernists that "their whole system, with all its errors, has been born of the alliance between faith and false philosophy". Of course, he could not have been wrong about that: he was the Pope! Anyone with a properly informed Common Sense sees how ridiculous the Papal impostor sounds in affirming that 'homosexuality is not a crime', even more so an informed Catholic Common Sense!
What must be affirmed and reaffirmed:
Despite the Bergoglian blind lead, the following must be affirmed and reaffirmed for the benefit of those who have ears to hear and would hear if told the truth without mincing words:
Homosexuality/sodomy is a perversion.
Homosexual act is a sin, intrinsically evil, which cries to heaven for vengeance: remember the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah
Homosexuality is a crime against the Natural law. The pretended positive human law legitimizing sodomy is no law since it contradicts the Eternal and Natural Law: for the Eternal law is concerned the moral order and is the fount of all laws, and all laws cease to be laws once they contradict the eternal law. There is no true legality without morality.
"...the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts, one towards another: men with men, working that which is filthy… are worthy of death: and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them" (Rom. 1: 27, 32).
No matter how innate the perversion may be in those in whom it is not an acquired habit, it is most rare that such perversion completely disturbs the balance of the mind, and thus the agent must be regarded as responsible for the consequent acts of impurity.
Those sincerely willing to escape the evil habit have always been beneficiaries of the evangelical and pastoral patience and prudence of Confessors. This sincerity comprises: genuine repentance, hatred for the evil against God and firm purpose of amendment -with the resolution to use means necessary to avoid the sin with the help of God's grace and avoidance of the occasion of sin for the future.
and... the joint forces of the agents of naturalism, often speaking through Bergoglio and his cohorts, are insistent on making the so-called 'gay pride' a legal right... |
Rounding up:
These "Poor Blinds" defending their equally blind leader: what degree of culpability is their ignorance? Only God knows!
However, when in the face of a statement of facts and objective moral principles, one gets emotionally charged and sentimental and would not listen to reason, we cannot but suspect the presence of crass and supine ignorance -that sort of ignorance in which there is a grave carelessness and hardly any attempt to remove it. Moreso, considering the inconveniences associated with recognizing and embracing the logical truth that Bergoglio is a Papal impostor, it could be safely deduced that these poor blinds are subjects of studied or affected ignorance -that species of ignorance deliberately fostered as a means of being excused from sin or of not avoiding sin.
From the neglect of Thine inspirations: deliver us O Jesus!
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