The ‘Onaga’ Depressing Comedy: a ridiculous attempt to ban Protestantism from a Protestant Pudding!

 By. Rev. Fr. Thomas Ojeka


Few days ago I saw a post from a Facebook account that caught my attention; it read thus: “Catholic bishop bans priests from organizing crusades…”. Looking up the headline, I was led to read a fuller story here which reads thus: 

"Bishop" Onaga, of Enugu Diocese: the depressing comedian under the spotlight... 

“The Catholic Bishop of Enugu Diocese, Callistus Onaga, on Saturday, banned priests from conducting crusades in their parishes. Mr Onaga announced the ban in his homily at the ordination of 26 priests and the celebration of 50 years anniversary of the Sacred Heart Seminary, Nsude (Junior Seminary) in Enugu.

The bishop charged the priests to organise retreats for their parishioners and pay greater attention to prayers and not hold crusades… “Do not adopt the Pentecostal approach of service, and be careful in forming prayer groups,” he charged.”

Among other sites, the same news was reported here; and here.  

What the fuss?!

Someone, not getting the point of the comedy, may wonder, “what is comic about the injunction or order given by Mr. Onaga?,” as the reporter civilly refers to him. Well, that is precisely what we want to attempt to show, and it should be apparent soon to the reader who does not yet see the point. 

To get the point of the comedy, it should be pointed out that: 

  • This ban was given within the context of the religious [rather irreligious] service falsely called the ‘new order of the Mass’. 

  • With the intention to preserve the faithful from some ‘Pentecostal’ influence - perhaps, in as much as this influence distracts from their love for the ‘mass’ mentioned above. 

Thus, to the extent ‘Pentecostalism’ is a branch of Protestantism, the key to seeing how comic and depressingly so, is the ban by Mr. Onaga on adopting the ‘Pentecostal approach of service’ lies in understanding how Protestant the so-called ‘new order of the mass’ is. 

The six Protestant ministers outside the walls
with the then ringleader of the Protestants within the four walls
of the Catholic Church -the modernist papal impostor Montini:
 immortalizing their fruitful collaboration in concocting the ecumenical service
falsely called "the new order of mass" to replace the Traditional Catholic Mass in Catholic buildings... 

Quick facts about the so-called ‘new order of the mass’.

  • It was concocted with the help of six Protestant clerics

  • It was concocted with an ecumenical intent: to be a “common celebration of the Eucharist '' acceptable to Protestants according to the expectations expressed in Vatican II’s document on ecumenism, Unitatis Reintergratio n.4.

  • It is stripped of dogmatic themes and ritual gestures considered offensive to Protestants and thus “obstacles to perfect ecclesiastical communion” based on the principles of ecumenism. A Fr. Annibale Bugnini, secretary of the modernist commission for the wreckovation of the Catholic liturgy is quoted to have said We must strip from our Catholic prayers and from the Catholic liturgy everything which can be the shadow of a stumbling block for our separated brethren”; that is for the Protestants… -and this stripping they did, with six protestant ministers helping them do a very good job. 

  • It was promulgated to displace and replace the Traditional Catholic Mass whose theology and ritual gestures the Protestant cannot stand: it is the ecumenist law of worship expressing the ecumenist law of believing which they insist to call the Catholic ‘new order of the Mass’.  

Catholic Theologians on the ‘New order of Mass’ before its promulgation.

Noteworthy is that, prior to the promulgation of this so-called ‘new order of the mass’, a group of Catholic theologians made a critique of it, and having a cover note from Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacchi, it was submitted to the man everyone falsely took to be the ‘Pope’ then: the ecumenist Montini. This document is now popularly known as the “Ottaviani intervention”, whose text can be accessed here.

The Cardinals, in their cover note wrote thus: 

The accompanying critical study of the Novus Ordo Missae, the work of a group of theologians, liturgists and pastors of souls, shows quite clearly in spite of its brevity that if we consider the innovations implied or taken for granted which may of course be evaluated in different ways, the Novus Ordo represents, both as a whole and in its details, a striking departure from the Catholic theology of the Mass as it was formulated in Session XXII of the Council of Trent. The "canons" of the rite definitively fixed at that time provided an insurmountable barrier to any heresy directed against the integrity of the Mystery.

Amongst other things, the critique has it that: 

  • The new form of Mass was substantially rejected by the Episcopal Synod, was never submitted to the collegial judgment of the Episcopal Conferences and was never asked for by the people. It has every possibility of satisfying the most modernist of Protestants; 

  • By a series of equivocations the emphasis is obsessively placed upon the 'supper' and the 'memorial' instead of on the unbloody renewal of the Sacrifice of Calvary.

  • The three ends of the Mass are altered:- no distinction is allowed to remain between Divine and human sacrifice; bread and wine are only "spiritually" (not substantially) changed.

  • The Real Presence of Christ is never alluded to and belief in it is implicitly repudiated.

  • The New Order teems with insinuations or manifest errors against the purity of the Catholic religion and dismantles all defenses of the deposit of Faith.

  • The Novus Ordo has no intention of presenting the Faith as taught by the Council of Trent, to which, nonetheless, the Catholic conscience is bound forever. With the promulgation of the Novus Ordo, the loyal Catholic is thus faced with a most tragic alternative.

This attempt to forestall the abolition of Catholic Mass in Catholic buildings proved abortive: the New Order of mass was promulgated and is now regarded as the ‘ordinary form’ of the Mass of the Latin Rite; while the Traditional Catholic Mass is given the portrait of a historical oddity to be remembered only with a high dosage of shame. 

Modernists -being Protestants of the highest order; but insistent on remaining within the visible walls of the Catholic Church wanted the Catholic Mass done away with and replaced: the “little finger” of a papal impostor installed by themselves did the job; outlawing the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass from the buildings erected for its sake, and sending it back to the ‘Catacombs”.

The  depressing comedy

From the foregoing, one thing is clear: the Novus Ordo is essentially non-Catholic. It is  ecumenist and Protestant.  

Now, the 65th error condemned in the Syllabus of Errors Condemning the Errors of the Modernists has it that: “Modern Catholicism can be reconciled with true science only if it is transformed into a non-dogmatic Christianity; that is to say, into a broad and liberal Protestantism”. Wanting to achieve this impossible transformation, the modernists infiltrated Catholic institutions, usurped the papacy for one from among their ranks known to be a thorough-going ecumenist, capable of calling a council that would canonize ecumenism. Such a council was called; ecumenism was canonized; and an ecumenical service promulgated.  

Here we have a “Mr. Onaga”, while presiding over a session of the ecumenical service, a protestant ape of the Catholic Mass, banning his subjects from adopting protestant/pentecostal approach to service. What could be more comic than that? Banning protestantism from a protestant pudding: what comedy  could be more depressing? 

A deceptive conservatism

With such a momentous ban on organizing crusades in the manner of Pentecostals, Mr. Onaga would be projected and congratulated as a ‘Conservative Bishop’ doing his ‘job’ in the face of increasing liberal and radical progressive tendencies. But those deceived by such a display of conservatism are only those who have been first deceived to accept the Novus Ordo simply as Catholic Mass, victims of the ‘hermeneutics of continuity’ thesis of apostate Fr. Ratzinger which is so contrary to fact. 

Radically progressive Mr. Bergoglio, the present modernist papal impostor,
manifesting the Pentecostal attitude to service inherent in the Novus ordo,
perhaps to the utter dismay of conservative Mr. Onaga our depressing comedian...  

The Novus ordo, being an ecumenical pudding, a product of the joint efforts of Protestants within the visible four walls of the Catholic Church [Modernists] and Protestants outside the wall; is inherently ladened with the potentiality to evolve into whatever species of broad and liberal Protestantism there can be; and the so-called “Catholic Charismatic Renewal” is there to bring out this inherent potential of the Novus ordo -and Mr. Bergoglio, the arch-Modernist and Ecumenist-in-chief certainly knows this…  it would seem that Mr. Onaga is not privy to this fact, or is he simply intent on ignoring it? Well, his attempt to forestall this necessary evolution is utterly of no consequence. 

Now, what?

IF Mr. Onaga, is not a Modernist but a poor and pitiable victim of modernism; and if he is sincere in professing “I believe in the Holy Catholic Church”, and, is indeed wary of Protestant/pentecostal influence; he has to reject and abandon the Novus ordo, i.e. the so-called New order of the Mass, over which he now presides with all the solemnity he can muster. The reason is obvious: it is obvious to a Catholic with an informed Catholic Common Sense that the Novus Ordo is not only NOT Catholic, but that it is anti-Catholic and must be rejected as such. No hard feelings. 

Meanwhile, perhaps Mr. Onaga may need a “Simple Catholicity Test”; and, if he did, and do not fall short of the logical action which that test demands, he would come face to face with the brute fact that, being ‘ordained’ in 1987, by a ‘bishop’ consecrated using the 1968 Rite of Episcopal Consecration which is absolutely null and utterly void, and himself ‘consecrated’ using the same Rite by another ‘bishop’ consecrated with the same rite; the reporter, whose report we used as the opening story for this post, was right in addressing him civilly as “Mr. Onaga”, since he is presently neither a Priest nor a Bishop of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. To that extent, the 26 young men during whose purported ‘ordination’ he was promulgating this ban, [and all those he had attempted to ‘ordain’ in the past] came out of that ceremony the same laymen that entered the seminary ten or eleven years earlier. 

Now, all of these are simply ripple effects of the impious attempt by the Modernists, [“the most pernicious of the adversaries” of the Church, remaining within her visible walls] to carry out the impossible transformation of the Catholic Church from within “into a dogma-less Christianity: that is to say, into a broad and liberal Protestantism”. Truth, stranger than fiction! But to the truth we give our simple testimony, and, "everyone that is of the truth" hears and is gladdened: but, not those formed by modernist indifferentism to be "stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears"



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