Confused? Take a Catholicity Test!

 Confused? Take a Catholicity Test!

By: Rev. Fr. Thomas Ojeka


A few days ago, I sent out a hypothetical story with two questions attached thus:

"If a mother were to give birth to a child, and while weak and defenseless so to say (in coma) another woman steals the baby... 

The child grows up knowing the impostor mother as simply his mother... The impostor mother, knowing the real mother is still alive, always gives a bad image of the Lady such that the child literally hates to hear about her...

Let's say a nurse somehow saw the theft, but could do nothing about it...but told her children or someone what she saw...  

Over the years, the nurse died... Those who she told her story, whenever they get the chance, tell the stolen child of her True mother ... But the child tells them to stop causing confusion...and would not accept any DNA test… The question: who is the True source of the confusion? And; Why not take a DNA test to remove the confusion?" 

Some of my respondents were quite hilarious at first in determining the real cause of the confusion. In the long run, all identified the impostor mother to be the cause of the confusion and not those trying to make the stolen child discover his true mother and reclaim his identity and rights. Also, they see in the DNA test the absolute means to take away the confusion. One of the respondents explained:

"The child should not be sentimental about it. Humans are fallible. So the child should know not to trust too much in humans, including parents. The child should also be interested in, and ready for, the truth, no matter how hurtful it may be." 

pan-religious impiety of Assisi...
The matter at hand:

Now, "you people are causing confusion" -oh, how many times have I not heard that thus far!- is a recurring accusation, amongst others, leveled against Catholics known for being against modernism, its diabolical fruits [aggiornamento in doctrine, morals and worship] and the Modernist impostor church occupying Catholic buildings. Let us identify the characters from the story:

  • See in the mother, weak and defenseless, the One, Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church now eclipsed under the great persecution championed by the "most pernicious" of her adversaries: the Modernists; as described by Pope St Pius X.

  • In the "impostor mother", we see the modernist impostor church camouflaging as Catholic, occupying Catholic buildings and mimicking Catholic institutional structure and sacramental rites.

  • The "stolen child" stands for all those baptized and brought up in the modernist impostor church, which they have grown to know falsely to be the Catholic Church.

  • In the "Nurse" who saw the theft but could do nothing about it, see those uncompromising Bishops and priests who recognized the Modernist infiltration, usurpation and hypocrisy, but could not stem the tide, being far outnumbered… but, who however, stood their ground in passing on their Catholic intransigence in the little way they could.

  • See in those telling the stolen child about his True Mother the uncompromising Catholics of to-day, progenies of the few uncompromising Bishops and priests of the immediate post-Vatican II era. 

From our working story and its analysis, we know that uncompromising Catholics to-day CANNOT be the cause of the confusion of which they are accused. On the contrary, the modernist impostors who perpetrated the infiltration, usurpation of the institutions and structures of the Catholic Church are the cause of the confusion, and by extension, their puppets continuing their agenda to-day, holding unsuspecting Catholics spell-bound to their pews while instilling in them a deep-seated hatred for all that "Traditional Catholics" stand for. 

modernist impostors doing what they do best: promoting impiety... 
Confusion; doubt: the call of duty.

Noteworthy is that confusion or doubt is only in the mind, and not in principles or facts. In the real world, a claimed fact is either true or false. And a doubt of fact can only be removed by examining the evidence available to its credit or discredit. Thus, it does happen that something once considered doubted due to lack of evidence becomes certainly true or false on account of fresh evidence. 

In light of this, those who consider "Traditional Catholics" as causing confusion, have the duty to examine the evidence to the credit or the discredit of their claim that, though they profess to be Catholic, they are caught up in an imposter church occupying Catholic buildings. Borrowing the expression of one of my respondents, they “should not be sentimental about it”; and they should also “be interested in, and ready for the truth, no matter how hurtful it may be”. From our working story, we see that their duty to the truth obliges them to take the “Maternity DNA test” so as to rid themselves of the purported confusion or doubt. 

The DNA Test: What it is.

From the scientific point of view, the DNA contains genetic information and is passed from parents to offspring. By means of a DNA test, one’s genealogy can be ascertained beyond reasonable doubt. 

As applied to the theme at hand, “DNA” would stand for all that makes for “Catholicity” as Catholicity passed on from the Spouse of Christ, the One, Holy, Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, the Mother, Guide, Teacher and Sanctifier of all nations, to her children “in via” -I.e. on the way, so as to lead them to triumphant glory.

Now, intransigent Traditional Roman Catholics insist that the popular institution occupying the legal structures of the Catholic Church and the religion practiced therein is not Catholic. Those who frequent the said buildings with Catholic name attached to them and participate daily or weekly in the “religious” [actually irreligious] ceremonies carried out therein accuse them of being a source of confusion and scandal.

The DNA test then would mean to carry out a “Catholicity test” to remove the confusion. What will the catholicity test prove? Simply this: whether the popular institution occupying Catholic buildings and having a more or less “Catholic” façade is indeed Catholic as Catholic

A Simple Catholicity Test

A simple question that can be used for a corresponding simple Catholicity test is the 36th of “Deharbe’s Catechism” treating the ninth article of the Creed. The question reads thus:

  • What, therefore, do we believe by these words of the Creed “I believe in the holy Catholic Church”? 

  • Response: “We believe that Jesus Christ has established an infallible Church, which we must all hear and obey if we wish to save our souls, and that this Church is no other than the Roman Catholic Church”. 

Enshrined in this response are the Four marks and Three attributes of the Church of Christ - the marks teach about its external or visible qualities: and the attributes, internal or invisible qualities. For our purposes, let us point out that it has an explicit reference to the three attributes of authority, infallibility and indefectibility. The yardstick for the test at hand therefore is as follows:

  • Whether the popular institution occupying Catholic buildings, now headed by a certain “Pope Francis” is infallible.

  • Whether it is indefectible. 

  • Whether it has authority from Christ and must be obeyed under the pain of eternal perdition. 

It actually suffices for our purposes, to carry out one test, and deduce the result of the other two from it: and the die falls on infallibility.

a modernist papal impostor and pretended saint at his best... 
Test of infallibility:

Pick up any traditional basic catechism book, it is explained therein that by infallibility it is meant that the Church of Christ, the Catholic Church, cannot err when it teaches of doctrine of faith and morals, I.e, whatever we must believe and do in order to be saved. Speaking of the infallible authority of the Church, Cardinal Gibbons says “we may rest assured that an all wise-Providence Who commands His Church to speak in His name will so guide her in the path of truth that she shall never lead into error those that follow her teachings”. 

The trillion-dollar question now goes thus: “is the church now headed by a certain “Pope Francis” infallible?” Put differently, “has the church now headed by a certain “Pope Francis” never led those who follow her teachings into any error whatsoever?” 

No small amount of ink, real or virtual, has been spilled in the past fifty years and counting, to show that this institution could not in any way be the infallible Church of Christ since, following its teachings, many have been led to an ocean of pernicious errors.  

For our purposes, let us simply note that reading from the 8th, 13th, 15th and 16th paragraph of the ‘dogmatic constitution’ of the so-called “Second Vatican Council” on the “Church” in which the blueprint of the church which this council both represents and promotes is clearly laid out, one unmistakably is left to think that: 

  • The ‘Church of Christ’ and ‘Catholic Church’ are not the same reality. That the ‘Church of Christ’ is not identified with, but merely ‘subsists in’, the Catholic Church, i.e. is present, abides in it but is a larger reality than it…

  • The ‘Catholic Church’ is not God’s unique means of salvation and the teacher of the truth about God on earth. That, by God’s sanction, many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside of its visible structure consequently there are varying degrees of communion and incorporation in the Church of Christ –Catholics, full; Protestants and Greek Schismatics, and all other so-called ‘independent ecclesial communities’, partial

  • Catholic unity is not something already present in the Church by virtue of her being but is still something in the making through the promotion of ‘universal peace’. That unity is not an essential mark of the Church but something to be added to her by human consensus, -ecumenical endeavor; a product of a ‘collective consciousness’…

  • Those, though baptized but who do not do not profess the faith in its entirety by rejecting certain doctrines that unsettles their pride and ambition are in some real way joined with us (i.e. Catholics) in the Holy Spirit - I.e. in the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth; orthodoxy, heterodoxy and schism are in some way really identified: there is no real opposition…: there is no such thing as ‘heretics’, ‘schismatics’, ‘apostates’...  

  • ‘The Church of Christ’, the ‘people of God’; consists of indeed the whole of mankind… that once born, one belongs to the Church of Christ… 

  • The unbelieving Jews, since after Christ; despite their rejection of Christ, remain dear to God in their practice of Judaism...

  • Mohammedans and Catholics worship one and the same God…

  • God wills that people seek him in ‘shadows and images’ so he approves of those who do so today, though the evidence for the Good News of salvation is all around them –indeed even in the air they breathe. That God wills religious pluralism, and one religion is more or less as good as the other…

Now, each and every one of the points above are pernicious errors [with theological notes including heresy, proximate to heresy etc.…] inherently incompatible with infallibility. No one who, in truth, professes “I believe in the Holy Catholic Church” can at the same time espouse any of the points thus outlined. None of these can cohabit with the divine and Catholic Faith in one’s soul at the same time: it is a displacement reaction. Given that none of these points is compatible with infallibility, the institution whose authoritative teachings they are, but at the same time arrogates the Catholic name to itself can only be an impostor church: this cannot be reiterated enough!

Given that the result for ‘Infallibility test’ proved woefully negative, it is obvious that the popular institution now occupying Catholic buildings is neither indefectible, nor has it authority from Christ and must be obeyed under the pain of eternal perdition: indeed, to follow this impostor institution in those things are specifically its [indifferentism -a condemned heresy; whose rotten fruits are: ecumenism/pan-Christianity; false religious liberty; inter-religious dialogue and worship…etc.], one would be constituted in a state of perpetual impiety -disregarding the rights of God, and of His Church, with sheer impunity.

Not Convinced?

Of old the Good Lord said to His people “
stand ye on the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, which is the good way, and walk ye in it… and they said: we will not walk” [Jer. 6:16]. Even today many who glory in the Catholic name and, according to our working story, are considered ‘stolen children’ refuse to ‘stand on the ways, and see, and to ask for the old paths, which is the good way, and to walk in it…’. With gross sentimentality as a default mode, “you people are causing confusion” is the only defense strategy expressive of total disinterest in taking a ‘Catholicity test’. When presented with an objective apology for the Catholic Cause, those thus soaked in sentimentality and subjectivism with which the air they breathe daily is saturated, remain stuck therein as in a comfort zone, [“what we have known since childhood” they protest] and are unwilling to vacate it: “here we will remain most excellently”, they seem to say. “You did not convince me”, is another epithet at their disposal. Some resort to this default mode due to fear of losing ‘persons’ or ‘something[s]’; intent on serving God on their own terms, not God’s.

Intransigent Catholics, enrolled in the school of the science of the saints are well aware, as St. Bernadette puts that, their “job is to inform, not to convince”. The information is simple: the institution occupying Catholic buildings, having Vatican II council as the occasion for the unveiling of its diabolic manifesto, is not only NOT the Catholic Church: it is anti-Catholic.  It is the imposter hybrid-ecumenical-pan religion contrived from the pit of hell, at the service of the new world order. 

Given that ‘the evidence is in the pudding’ as the saying goes: to one having Catholic common sense, able to look and see, no explanation is required. To one with no Catholic common sense, no explanation is sufficient and convincing. There is certainly hope for those having Catholic common sense but genuinely confused: to such as those a simple Catholicity test suffices.  We must “seek and save” such as these! 


  1. Yes Indeed, father this is the time to reveal the hidden truth,the lord is your strength

  2. Too impatient to read and even smaller capacity to understand but I want to know who is causing the confusion. I say it is the child. She refuses to look into things. TY.

  3. It is Ma’am who irons. ;)


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