Drawn By Him Revealed
Drawn By Him Revealed
"The Father draweth to the Son them who believe in the Son, because they are persuaded that He hath God to His Father. God the Father begetteth to Himself a coequal Son; and whosoever is persuaded, and realiseth unto himself by faith, and thinketh, that He in Whom he believeth is equal to the Father, him the Father is drawing unto the Son... The Father drew him who said: Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. Matth. xvi. 16, 17. Show a sheep a green bough, and thou drawest him. Let a boy see some nuts, and he is drawn by them. As they run, they are drawn, drawn by taste, drawn without bodily hurt, drawn by a line bound to their heart. If, then, among earthly things, such as be sweet and pleasant draw such as love them, as soon as they see them, so that it is truth to say, His special pleasure draweth each, doth not that Christ, Whom the Father hath revealed, draw? What stronger object of love can a soul have than the Truth?" [culled from the Homily by St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo , 26th Tract On John ]
~ modernists and those infected by the modernist poison, indifferentism, are in no way drawn by the revealed truth. Their faith exists only in their sentiment and imagination. What a tragedy, not to be drawn by the revealed Truth!
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