Christ's Infallible Church

 The Infallibility of Christ's Church

"The infallibility of our holy Mother the Church is the direct and immediate result of her having abiding within her the Spirit of Truth. It is the promise made to her by Jesus; it is the necessary consequence of the presence of the Holy Spirit. The man who does not acknowledge the Church to be infallible, should, if he be consistent, admit that the Son of God has not been able to fulfill his promise, and that the Spirit of Truth is a Spirit of error. But he that reasons thus, has strayed from the path of life; he thought he was but denying a prerogative to the Church, whereas, in reality, he has refused to believe God himself. It is this that constitutes the sin of heresy. Want of due reflection may cover and hide the awful conclusion; but the conclusion is strictly implied in his principle. The heretic is at variance with the Holy Ghost, because he is at variance with the Church; he may become, once more, a living member, by humbly returning to the Spouse of Christ, — but, at present, he is dead, for the Soul is not animating him. Let us again give ear to the great St. Augustine: “It sometimes happens,” says he, “that a member — say a hand, or finger, or foot, — is cut from the human body; tell me, does the soul follow the member that is thus severed? As long as it was in the body, it lived; now that it is cut off, it is dead. In the same manner, a Christian is a Catholic so long as he lives in the Body (of the Church); cut off, he is a Heretic; the Spirit follows not a member that is cut off.”  (Semon 267: In die Pentecostes)

... O Church of our God! thou art sanctified in truth! By thee we are taught the whole doctrine of our Jesus! By thee we are put in the path of that holiness which is thy very life. What would we have more, having Truth and Holiness? They who seek them out of thee, seek in vain. Happy we, that have nothing to seek, because we have thee for our Mother, who art ever lavishing upon us all thy grand gifts and lights! Oh! how beautiful art thou on this solemnity of Pentecost, which gave thee the riches thou givest to us! We gaze with delighted wonder at the magnificent prerogatives prepared for thee by thy Jesus and communicated to thee by the Holy Ghost. And now that we know thee better, we will love thee with warmer hearts!"

 [From the "Liturgical Year", Thursday of Witsun Week]

~ because we know this, we see through the hypnosis-inducing imposture of the modernists occupying Catholic buildings... How many they are, who, falling victim of their hypocrisy, take them to be legitimate pastors to whom they owe obedience and reverence! 


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