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Gold-digging And False Theology

 Preamble: The list of woes resulting from the blind leading the blind could be almost inexhaustible. One of the classic cases of the blind leading the blind is that in which gold digging spree becomes a beneficiary of false theology in matters relating to marriage.  How can this happen? That is the concern of this article The Marriage Contract.  Now, what food is to the individual, matrimony is to humanity in general. For as food serves to maintain the life of the individual, so marriage serves to maintain the life of the human race.  Marriage is a reciprocal contract by which a man and a woman freely give and mutually receive a perpetual and exclusive right to each other's body for the performance of those actions which, of their very nature, are directed to the procreation of children.  Quick facts about marriage can be itemized as follows:  it is of divine origin in the very law of nature. the free consent required for the contract cannot be supplied by any human authority its

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