Abel Damina: A Dismal Dramatic Dabbler [I]
Screenshot of a clip of Mr. Damina manifesting himself to be a dismal dramatic dabbler: commenting on 1 Timothy 4: 3. |
In his preface to his "History of Heresies and their Refutations" St. Alphonsus Liguori penned down the following words:
Heresy has been called a canker: “It spreadeth like a canker” (II. Tim. ii, 17); for as a canker infects the whole body, so heresy infects the whole soul, the mind, the heart, the intellect, and the will. It is also called a plague, for it not only infects the person contaminated with it, but those who associate with him, and the fact is, that the spread of this plague in the world has injured the Church more than idolatry, and this good mother has suffered more from her own children than from her enemies. Still she has never perished in any of the tempests which the heretics raised against her...
In recent times, there have been a peculiar manifestation of this "canker", this "plague", through a popular Nigerian personage called Mr. Abel Damina. There is a comic side of this manifestation: and it is that it is even scandalous to the not-so-pious ears of the agents of those in whose system is the synthesis of all heresies! Thanks to the so-called freedom of self-expression and publication having the unscrupulous social media outlets at it's disposal, Damina's canker and plague vies with wild forest fires in it's spread no less in the damage in it's wake.
By "dismal", we mean the attribute of being "boring", "depressing" etc. And by "a Dabbler" we mean "an amateur", "a trifler".
Though styled a "renowned Christian minister" and particularly famous for his fascination for "elaborate exegesis" so-called, and idolized for his teaching that "people should not depend on religion but on direct connection to God and the Scripture"; anyone with basic Christian common sense is able to see, without much difficulty, how Mr. Abel Damina is neither a Christian nor a Christian minister. To the extent Historical Christianity is at stake, renown though he is at best as a "Dismal Dramatic Dabbler.
The duty to defend the revealed Truth and to instruct the ignorant and counsel the doubtful urges us on to make this intervention for the instruction and edification of people of good will, hopefully timely.
The Background: What Got Me Started:
I recently stumbled on a series of clips titled "Dr. Abel Damina exposes errors in the Catholic Church" or something similar. The person who posted the series insinuates that Mr. Damina was provoked to action by a certain Novus Ordo lay-robed "Fr. Oluoma", likening it to one provoking a sleeping Lion or something like that.
In his sworn project to "expose" the "errors" in the Catholic Church, Mr. Damina has made a number of curious claims. Reviewing each of the many of his bold and false affirmations is not necessary. It suffices to list a few, which when reviewed, it would be sufficiently clear that he is of the fellowship of falsehood - the synagogue of Satan, an agent of the mystery of iniquity, and that he is to be avoided at all cost by anyone who has concern for the salvation of his own soul. Mr. Damina claims:
- That Catholics are not the first Christians.
- That Catholics are not allowed to read the bible. That if they were, many of them would discover the many heresies of the Catholic Church.
- That in the New Testament, there is no such thing as special Priesthood as claimed by Catholics: that Catholic Priests have no special powers.
- decided attack on the historical claim of Catholic Church as being the first and only Christian Church; and this manifests his rejection of the doctrine concerning the divine institution of the Catholic Church, the Mystical Body of Christ.
- his falsification of Catholic discipline on the study of the Bible;
- and his bold denial of Christian, and by that I mean Catholic, sacred Ministerial Priesthood.
Whosoever is of the true faith of Christ, may justly say, Christian is my name, Catholic my surname: a greater honour, and a greater advantage, than to be of any royal family.
when heresies had arisen, and endeavoured by diverse names to tear the dove of the Lord and Queen in pieces, the faithful required their surname: hence they who before were called Christians, are now surnamed also Catholics. Christian is my name and Catholic my surname.
...in Christian times there can be no doubt at all as to which religion is to be received and held fast, and as to where is the way that leads to truth and beatitude(St. Augustine, Of True Religion, 3)
... religion is to be sought neither in the confusion of the pagans, nor in the offscourings of heretics, nor in the insipidity of schismatics, nor in the blindness of the Jews, but only among those who are called Catholic or orthodox Christians, that is, guardians of truth and followers of right. (St. Augustine, Of True Religion, 9)
...We must hold fast the Christian religion and the communion of the Church which is called Catholic, and is called Catholic not only by its own members but also by all it's enemies. Whether they will or no, heretics and schismatics use no other name for it than the name of Catholic, when they speak of it not among themselves but with outsiders. They cannot make themselves understood unless they designate it by this name which is in universal use. (St. Augustine, Of True Religion, 12)
...This is the One Holy, True, and Catholic Church, opposing all heresies; it may be opposed, but cannot be conquered. All heresies come forth from it, like useless shoots cut off from the vine, but it still remains firmly rooted in charity, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it...
Many authors relate that, being at the point of death, his mother said to him: “My son, I was a Catholic; you have caused me to forsake that Faith: you are now about to appear before God, and tell me truly, I charge you, which is the better Faith, the Catholic or the Lutheran?” He answered: “The Lutheran is an easier religion, but the Catholic is more secure for salvation
The Lutherans and Calvinists say, just as the Donatists did before them, that the Catholic Church preserved the true faith down to a certain period some say to the third, some to the fourth, some to the fifth century but that after that the true doctrine was corrupted, and the spouse of Christ became an adulteress. This supposition, however, refutes itself; for, granting that the Roman Catholic Church was the Church first founded by Christ, it could never fail, for our Saviour himself promised that the gates of hell never should prevail against it: “I say unto you that you are Peter, and on this Rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt, xviii, 18). It being certain, then, that the Roman Catholic Church was the true one, as Gerard, one of the first ministers of Luther, admits (Gerard de Eccles. cap. 11, sec. 6) it to have been for the first five hundred years, and to have preserved the Apostolic doctrine during that period, it follows that it must always have remained so, for the spouse of Christ as St. Cyprian says, could never become an adulteress.
History is not a creed or a catechism, it gives lessons rather than rules; still no one can mistake its general teaching in this matter, whether he accept it or stumble at it. Bold outlines and broad masses of colour rise out of the records of the past. They may be dim, they may be incomplete; but they are definite. And this one thing at least is certain; whatever history teaches, whatever it omits, whatever it exaggerates or extenuates, whatever it says and unsays, at least the Christianity of history is not Protestantism... To be deep in history is to cease to be a Protestant. And this utter incong-ruity between Protestantism and historical Christianity is a plain fact.
First Summing up:
From our brief historical excursion it is clear that:
- They who before were called Christians (Acts 11:23), became surnamed also Catholics such that one who follow the religion of Christ is apt to say "Christian is my name and Catholic my surname".
- The term Catholic distinguished the one true Holy, and visible Apostolic Church of Christ from all and every other congregation, sect, or party.
- Donatists, Lutherans , Calvinists, in their sobber moment back in the days granted that the Catholic Church had preserved pure doctrine of Christ from the beginning to some point: this being an implicit admission that the Catholic Church was the First, and therefore the Church founded by Christ, which inturn means that she could not at any point become corrupted since Christ has promised to be with her till the end of time and that the gates of hell shall not prevail against her.
- Early heretics and those of the 16th century never identified themselves as Catholics, but by the name of their leaders (e.g. Ebionites, Marcionites, Valentinians, Donatists, Lutherans, Calvinists, etc.
- The Christianity of history is not Protestantism and the incongruity between protestantism and historical Christianity is a plain fact to people of good will.
- Any honest Protestant deep enough in history, and indeed desires to be a Christian both in name and in fact, would cease to be Protestant by embracing Catholicity.
When someone without Christian Faith sets himself to teach others Christian Faith - a case of the blind leading the blind. Mr. Abel Damina's case: a classical example... |
The heretics, however, who, instead of learning from the Church the dogmas they should believe, wish to teach her false and perverse dogmas of their own, say that they have the Scriptures on their side...
So true